Wellesley Service League Notables 



The Swellesley Report: February 2022: New Members

January 2022: Centennial Youth Award

December 2020: Wellesley Service League grateful to be part of holiday cheer

The Swellesley Report June 2019: Wellesley Service League hands over $25k to Friendly Aid for camp kids

The Wellesley Townsman May 2015:  WSL Annual Fundraiser 2015

The Wellesley Townsman:  June 26, 2014:  Centennial Youth Service Award Recipients 2014

The Wellesley Townsman  October 24, 2013:  Men's Group Event  

The Wellesley Townsman  October 24, 2013:  
New WSL  Executive Committee and Provisional Class 2013-2014

The Swellesley Report  September 19, 2013:  Toy Shop Launches

The Wellesley Townsman:  August 8, 2013:  2013 Centennial Youth Award Recipients

The Wellesley Townsman:  July 19, 2013:   Tea Time in the Garden Fundraiser 

The Wellesley Townsman:  June 13, 2013:  Presentation of WSL Camp Fund Donation

The Wellesley Townsman May 30, 2013:  Men's Group Meeting - Dr. Case of Wellesley College is speaker

The Wellesley Townsman April 11, 2013:  Men's Group Meeting - Tour of Wellesley Police Department

The Wellesley Townsman: February 7, 2013:  Annual Friendship Circle Luncheon and Centennial Youth Service Award

The Wellesley Townsman January 12, 2013:  Men's Group Meeting - Ed Harding, Principal Anchor on WCVB-TV

The Wellesley Townsman May 2012:  WSL Centennial Youth Award Recipients 

The Wellesley Townsman May 2010:  WSL Centennial Youth Award Recipients 

The Wellesley Townsman May 15, 2008:  Fifty Years Ago this Week May 1958

The Wellesley Townsman Archives December 1954:  Toy Shop Photo 










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