Wellesley Service League
219 Washington Street
Wellesley, MA  02481

Helpful Links

Executive Committee 2024-2025

Meeting Schedule 2024-2025

WSL New Barn
Wellesley Friendly Aid Building

Charles River Center 

Tolles Parsons Center

WSL Library Shelving
Library Shelving

Wellesley Historical Society Tollhouse

Wellesley Historical Society  


Wellesley Service League Services

Wellesley Service League provides volunteer services to the following community organizations:


After School Club
An after school program is held once per month at the Barton Road Community Center to provide interesting, fun, and community building activities for school-aged girls and boys. The program is developed by Wellesley Service League After School Club chairs and staffed by WSL volunteers at each meeting date. A healthy lunch is also provided by Service League members for the children.

Charles River Center
Charles River Center is a non-profit social service agency providing advocacy and services to people with disabilities. Service League members work with clients in a variety of activities that focus on life skills, as well as participate in art therapy classes and bingo events with clients.

Ellie Fund
Wellesley Service League members work with the Ellie Fund to deliver meals to cancer patients within the Boston area.

Friendship Circle Program
In cooperation with Wellesley Friendly Aid, our members participate in weekly social gatherings for senior woman to enjoy companionship, programs, excursions and other enjoyable activities.  All food and transportation is arranged and provided by Wellesley Service League members.

Kids Winter Clothing Drive
Wellesley Service League members conduct a winter clothing drive each fall for the children of families supported by Wellesley Housing Authority.

Men's Group Program
Wellesley Service League runs a monthly Men's Group speaker seminar for senior men in our community where the men enjoy informational programs, refreshments and camaraderie.

Tolles Parsons Center
The Tolles Parsons Center offers weekday lunch service for seniors. Wellesley Service League members assist with pickup and delivery of lunches from local restaurants and also volunteer as servers at the lunch service.

Wellesley Food Pantry
Service League members support the Food Pantry with regular food pickups at local grocery stores and delivery to the Food Pantry, as well as making deliveries to recipient families.

Wellesley Free Library
Wellesley Service League members shelve library books in the Children’s Room and support Friends of the Library activities.

Wellesley Friendly Aid Camp Fund
The Wellesley Service League sponsors one fundraising event each year to benefit the Wellesley Friendly Aid Camp Fund. Every summer dozens of children who otherwise would not have the opportunity to attend camp are awarded this experience thanks to the Wellesley Service League as primary sponsor, along with other civic organizations and donors.     

Wellesley Health Department
During the flu season, Wellesley Service League members assist at flu clinics taking place in Wellesley. 

Wellesley Historical Society
Wellesley Service League members volunteer once a week in the Tollhouse Shop, located in the Wellesley Historical Society House, and help sell gently used donated items. Members also assist the Historical Society with gardening at the Tollhouse.

Wellesley Symphony Orchestra
Wellesley Service League members participate as guest ushers during the Wellesley Symphony concert season. 





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